Share any tips you have to calm the nerves? I am both excited and anxious for the Winter Book Bash! Also, if you are an avid reader and have participated in book signings, what are some things you loved about the event, and what are some things you hated?


I have a lot of ideas for my Newsletter. Like fun facts, author suggestions, sneak peeks, but I am wondering what it is that you may all want to hear from me. What do you expect or hope for when you open up the bi weekly email? What's something you want more of, or less... Continue Reading →


1698343200  days  hours  minutes  secondsuntilRAINE BOOK RELEASE Is it too early to start a countdown....? Oh well. Pay close attention friends, a lot of talk about RAINE is headed your way.


Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been as active as normal. You may have also noticed that the bi weekly newsletter (Every other Tuesday) did not go out this week. I apologize for keeping you waiting, and not updating you sooner. Unfortunately, life has taken most of my time the last two... Continue Reading →


There is a calm before the storm. A calm before all hell breaks loose. It starts with small droplets that fall from my eyes, creating a stream of tears that began to pool beneath me. That pool gets bigger and bigger, turning into a sea. A sea that I alone am trapped in. Each wave... Continue Reading →


I'm sure plenty of people say this about their best friends... "My best friend is one of a kind." When i say it though, I mean it. And I get that there are billions of people on planet earth, and I haven't and will not meet them all, but for the people in my circle,... Continue Reading →

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